It is bad, it is slow, it is boring, and you might want to close the page after a minute of gameplay, but I'm actually quite satisfied with how it turned out to be! I'm really bad a pixel art, but the post processing did save the graphics, I guess ?

This is my 2nd game using Unity. I used Aseprite for the assets, a bit of Photoshop, and Bfxr for the sounds. The music is royalty free, because I didn't have  time to compose one myself, as I had to publish this game for the 6th of April. It is actually developped as a project for my post-high school college.

I hope you atleast had a little bit of fun playing it, and feel free to post a comment :D

This game is made by me, Loucas DAIF. If you want in any way to use some assets of that game, please ask me first.


Download 23 MB

Install instructions

Simply launch the .exe in the rar file, but don't forget to unzip it before ! :D


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Love it keep it up!!

Thanks ! I appreciate your comment :D